Jefferson Academy Elementary

School News

Enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year - If you know that your student will not be returning to Jefferson Academy next year, please contact Shelly Cohen at 720-728-6162. Open enrollment begins next week and we would like to accommodate students on our waiting list. 

JagCare (before/after school) for the 2025-2026 school year. Students enrolled at JA in grades Kindergarten - 6th grade are eligible to apply.  Students that are currently enrolled in JagCare are given priority for next year. Please refer to the priority list in the application. Forms must be submitted by March 14, 2025 by 3:30 p.m.   (link). A lottery will be held and families will be contacted beginning in April. Late submissions will be placed on a waiting list.

Intramural Sports. - Registration for soccer is open. This program will run for eight weeks. This sport is open to boys and girls in 5th and 6th graders of JA Elementary and Summit Academy. To allow for more students to participate, we will be offering practices on either Tuesdays or Thursdays. Your student will only participate on the day that they are scheduled. In the event that we don’t have enough participants on one of the days, we will need to combine the practices. Soccer will begin on Tuesday and Thursday beginning February 18 or February 20. The registration form along with payment may be submitted to the office. If your student did not participate in volleyball or soccer, the emergency form must also be filled out.

Chess Club - Calling all 3rd-6th graders. Join the chess club and become a master of strategy! You'll have fun learning new moves, challenging friends, and solving tricky puzzles. Whether you're a beginner or already know the basics, you'll improve your skills while making new friends! We will meet on the following Mondays:

  • February - 3, 10, 24

  • March 3, 10, 31

  • April 7, 14

  • Register HERE.

YOUth TUBEr  Do you have a future YouTuber in your household? In this class, your kids will gain the skill set, knowledge and confidence to celebrate their individuality through learning the basics of YouTube content creation! Using a STEAM-based learning approach, your kids will learn how to produce their own channel trailer, graphics and episodes! We offer guidance and support for YouTube channel set-up, but we don't set-up channels for your kids during this class. We leave it up to you as the parents to create their channel and post videos privately or publicly. Safety is our top priority! Your kids must learn about internet safety and sign our internet safety pledge. Refer to the attachment for more information, sign up HERE and enjoy some fun videos from past students! Goodgamers, Let'z Shine

6th Grade Students - JA Student Transition Night at JA Secondary -February 6 at 5:30 p.m. This night is for our 6th grade students (and their families) who are planning on attending JA Secondary for 7th grade.  We will review enrollment paperwork (which will be handed out that night) as well as the course selection process during the meeting.  This meeting is in-person only.  For our 6th grade students who attend, they will receive a gift from the Secondary.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, you will need to pick up your student’s enrollment packet at the Secondary after February 6th. 

Code Camp (at our secondary school).  Saturday, February 22 from 12:45 to 3:45 p.m., the Jefferson Academy Secondary Computer Science Honor Society is hosting a "Code Camp" for 3rd and 4th graders. At this event, students will learn computer science skills such as coding, circuits, graphic design, and more. It will be an excellent learning opportunity for students interested in computer science or to build interest in computer science. If your student is interested in attending Code Camp, please complete this form. We are limited to 50 student attendees and the form will automatically close when we are full. The cost is $5 which will help us provide a snack and materials. Payment options will be emailed after sign up. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Jennifer Davis, the Computer Science Honor Society sponsor, at


  • Wednesday, February 5 - Late Start -  school begins at 10:00 a.m.

  • Wednesday, February 5 - SAC meeting at 5:30pm in conservatory and PTO meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the commons

  • Thursday, February 13 - No school - Professional Development Day

  • Friday, February 14 - No school

  • Monday, February 17 - Presidents’ Day - No school

PTO News

Don't Delay! Order Your Valentine's Grams Today! -  Support the Class of 2032 (5th Graders) with their Outdoor Lab fundraising! Send a Gram to your kids, their friends, or their teachers.  Purchase your Valentine's Grams today, as some item quantities may be limited!  You can order $1 and $2 World's Finest Chocolate Bars along with a variety of other fun items. Orders close on Sunday, February 2 at 8:00 PM.

PTO General Membership Meeting - February 5th - Please join us for our next PTO General Membership meeting on Wednesday, February at 6:30 p.m. in the Commons. We have several requests for Special Project Funds to discuss and vote on. Your voice matters as we determine how funds will be disbursed. Childcare is provided during PTO meetings. We look forward to seeing you there!

Family Movie Night & WatchJAGS Pizza Party Kick-off - On Friday, February 21 the JA PTO would like to cordially invite all Pre-K, Kindergarteners, 1st and 2nd Graders and their immediate family members (yes, older and younger siblings are also invited) to join us for the DreamWorks movie, Wild Robot. This time around we are combining our Movie Night with our WatchJAGS second semester Kick-off so Pizza will be provided for all who sign up and attend. The event is FREE, however an RSVP is required, as space is limited to the first 150 people to sign-up. (Don't worry 3rd - 6th grade families - we are planning a pizza & movie night for you coming up in March!).  Doors will open at 5:45 p.m. Movie begins at 6:30 p.m.

Timehop Planning Committee - The PTO Board would like to invite all interested parents/caregivers to join in on the fun of planning our annual JAE Spring Community Event - Timehop. We will hold our first planning meeting on Tuesday, February 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the Panera Restaurant - TowneCenter (10435 Reed Street, Westminster - near the Target). We'll get into the details of entertainment, decorations, carnival games and all the fun that goes into this school-wide spring event. We look forward to seeing you there!

PTO Events

  • Thurs & Fri, March 6 & 7 - Scholastic Book Fair

  • Friday, March 28 -  - Family Movie Night

  • Friday, April 11 -  - Timehop - Spring All-School Social Event - Mark your Calendar and Save the Date for a fun night with your JA Friends!